I use QSQLITE. I would like to choose a record from a database based in the ID number. I have the following:QSqlQuery query_getImage ("SELECT Pic FROM Items WHERE ID == FriendID");
FriendID is a QString. How should I write this line correctly so it recognizes FriendID as a QString?
Thank you. -
@gabor53 Do you mean FriendID is a QString variable?
You should take a look at the documentation. It even contains examples which answer your question: http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qsqlquery.htmlQSqlQuery query; query.prepare("INSERT INTO person (id, forename, surname) " "VALUES (:id, :forename, :surname)"); query.bindValue(":id", 1001); query.bindValue(":forename", "Bart"); query.bindValue(":surname", "Simpson"); query.exec();
In this example id, forename and surename are replaced by int and string (you can use your variable instead of a string literal).
SQL does not use ==
QSqlQuery query_getImage; query_getImage.prepare("SELECT Pic FROM Items WHERE ID = :friendID"); query_getImage.bindValue(":friendID",FriendID); if(query_getImage.exec()){ // success }
if FriendID is a string but you want it to go into the query as an int use
on the other hand if FriendID is int and you want it to go in as a string usequery_getImage.bindValue(":friendID",QString::number(FriendID));
I did the following:QSqlQuery query_getImage.prepare ("SELECT Pic FROM Items WHERE ID = :FriendID"); query_getImage.bindValue (":ID",FriendID); if(query_getImage.exec()) { qDebug() << "The query is active."; } else { qDebug() << "The query is NOT active." << query_getImage.lastError (); }
I get the following error messages:
C:\Programming\Projects\Folkfriends_1_0\mainwindow.cpp:123: error: expected initializer before '.' token
QSqlQuery query_getImage.prepare ("SELECT Pic FROM Items WHERE ID = :FriendID");
C:\Programming\Projects\Folkfriends_1_0\mainwindow.cpp:124: error: 'query_getImage' was not declared in this scope
query_getImage.bindValue (":ID",FriendID);
What did I miss? -
you have to separate the declaration from the use
QSqlQuery query_getImage; query_getImage.prepare ("SELECT Pic FROM Items WHERE ID = :FriendID");
query_getImage.bindValue (":ID",FriendID);
is wrong, it should bequery_getImage.bindValue (":FriendID",FriendID);
The following worked for me:
QSqlQuery query_getImage; query_getImage.prepare ("SELECT Pic FROM Items WHERE ID = :FriendID"); query_getImage.bindValue (":FriendID",FriendID); if(query_getImage.exec()) { qDebug() << "The query query_getImage is active."; } else { qDebug() << "The query is NOT active." << query_getImage.lastError (); } query_getImage.first (); QByteArray pixArray; pixArray = query_getImage.value(0).toByteArray (); qDebug() << "pixArray size: " << pixArray.size (); QPixmap Pixmap; Pixmap.loadFromData (pixArray);
Thank you for all your help.