QGroupBox does not fit into layouts
I have a QDialog in which is a QTabWidget. In this widget should be some groups. One group is "Settings" that consists of a qlabel and a qlineedit per row. I will add more pairs later. I want to have a border arround this group so I thought qgroupbox might be proper. I simply dont get behind the qgroupbox magic... I dont know how to shrink the Settings-qgroupbox to the size of the label and the lineedit. I managed to shrink it vertically but it does not horizontally.
Here is an image how it looks current.
https://pauledd.files.wordpress.com/2016/08/pat.pngGeneralTab::GeneralTab(QWidget *parent) :QWidget(parent) { QLabel *videoDeviceLabel = new QLabel("Video Device:"); QLineEdit *videoDeviceValueLabel = new QLineEdit("/dev/video0"); QHBoxLayout *horizontalLayout = new QHBoxLayout; horizontalLayout->addWidget(videoDeviceLabel); horizontalLayout->addWidget(videoDeviceValueLabel); horizontalLayout->addStretch(1); QGroupBox *box = new QGroupBox("Settings"); QVBoxLayout *mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout; mainLayout->addWidget(box); mainLayout->addStretch(1); box->setLayout(horizontalLayout); setLayout(mainLayout); }
any ideas?
it's not a problem of the groupbox but of the layout you put it in
QVBoxLayout *mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout; mainLayout->addWidget(box); mainLayout->addStretch(1);
QGridLayout *mainLayout = new QGridLayout ; mainLayout->addWidget(box,0,0); mainLayout->additem(new QSpacerItem(10,10,QSizePolicy::Expanding,QSizePolicy::Preferred),0,1); mainLayout->additem(new QSpacerItem(10,10,QSizePolicy::Preferred,QSizePolicy::Expanding),1,0);
Ok, now I get this:
The GroupBox seems to horizontally take half of the dialog but does not shrink to the end
of the qlineedit. -
I just tried a new project and just by using the form editor and that was so easy:
https://pauledd.files.wordpress.com/2016/08/pat3.pngIts just a button and a lineedit in a horizontal layout in a group box. Why cant I do this programmatically?
Since you want a QLabel + QLineEdit, why not use QFromLayout ?
That should also simplify size handling.
Hope it helps
that is what is taking space after the line edit -
@SGaist thank you, I took QFormLayout into account.
@VRonin also thank you!
I can not believe that it would take so much code to get this done...
After starting over and over again I came up with this:GeneralTab::GeneralTab(QWidget *parent) :QWidget(parent) { QLineEdit *lineEdit = new QLineEdit("/dev/video0"); QGroupBox *groupBox = new QGroupBox("Settings",this); groupBox->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding,QSizePolicy::Expanding); QFormLayout *formLayout = new QFormLayout(groupBox); formLayout->addRow("Video Device: ",lineEdit); }
and this looks exactly what I wanted, two widgets with a nice group box border sized to minimal space usage:
I dont really know If this code is correct or might produce trouble but at least I dont find any errors at the moment.