qt application closed, a message error of microsoft appear
the problem is if i open the application OV I made of qt without any use of OV. When i close the application i have an error message of microsoft. but if i use the connexion of internet or the connexion of serial port in the application, when the application OV is closed, i won't have this error message. Any one has an idéa why it will be like this? I tried to debug the application, it happens when ui of mainwindow is deleted.
do you really want us to guess the error message and still expect an solution to your problem?
Why not providing some essential information -
the error message of microsoft is : OV.exe stopped operation. Windows collects other information on this problem. This may take several minutes ...
another window: do you want to send more information about the problem? you can choose send the information or cancel.
is that clearer? -
Try to debug: start your application in QtCreator (press F5) and then close it. If it will crash you will see where. Make sure you build in debug mode.
please provide the stack trace and the source code around the position where it crashed -
i tried in debug mode, step by step, it crashed at the linedelete ui;
in the destructor of mainwindow.
however,if the connexion TCP/IP is used, when the application is closed, i don't have the problem.
For all the time, the application works fine, the message arrives only when i'd like to quit the application, and it's a message of Windows. -
please show where you constructed the ui.
Do you have any parents set, etc.