Too many warnings
Re: Disable visual studio warnings
Re: against the new 5.7.0-beta results in a large number of warnings. Can this be addressed in the final 5.7.0 release?
We see (58,000) warnings when compiling against Qt. Thus, for each release we modify a growing list of qt headers, to avoid these warnings and maintain level 4 warnings level.
The suggested workaround of encapsulating the warnings within pragma facilitates smaller projects. For a larger code base, such as ours, its less than practical and upgrades are tedious.
It's understandable that this slipped the 5.6.0 release, given its scope.
It would be greatly appreciated if I could make the 5.7.0 release.
With kind regards, Kevin Higgins
Hi and welcome to devnet,
This is not the right place to discuss this. You should bring that to the interest mailing. You'll find there Qt's developers/maintainers. This forum is more user oriented.
However, Qt 5.7 RC is out, you should check again against that version.