Alias method in QML component
QML and Qt Quick
I am writing a component like so:
import QtQuick 2.0 import NDDQuickItem 1.0 Item { property alias source: ndd.nddContentPath function goToSlide(component,slide){ ndd.goToSlide(component,slide) } NDDQuickItem { id: ndd width:parent.width; height:parent.height } }
I can use
property alias
to "promote" properties of theNDDQuickItem
to the root of the component. However, as shown, I'm currently writing global methods that just re-call a method on theNDDQuickItem
.Is there an equivalent to
property alias
that works for methods? Something like:method alias goToSlide: ndd.goToSlide # not valid QML
goToSlide = ndd.goToSlide # not valid QML
AFAIK, there's no such feature. You can check the bug report system to see if there's already something about it.