QResources relative path problem
i want to use windows enviroment variables (a directory) in my QResources. I want to work with a central directory for all my pictures, icons and so on which is referenced by a enviroment variable.For example: "c:\bmp" contains all pictures. "BMP = C:\bmp" ist the enviroment variable/value. Is it possible to use this variable in the QResource system? I have read the documentation but couldn't find an anwser.
It seems only to accept files directly.
So you would have to add all in C:\bmp / whole folder. -
@ck_ee said:
Is it possible to use this variable in the QResource system?
As @SGaist said, not directly.
However, you should be able to add a custom qmake target that creates a symbolic link to the
path under wherever your *.qrc file is.As far as I know, qmake has no built-in commands for creating symbolic links, so you'd have to implement per-platform commands; perhaps something like:
win32-msvc: mybmptarget.commands = mklink /j $$(BMP) $$OUT_PWD/.../resources/bmp unix: mybmptarget.commands = ln -s $$(BMP) $$OUT_PWD/.../resources/bmp
ty for the tip :]
finally this .pri file worked for me
win32 { PRJ_DIR = $$OUT_PWD PRJ_DIR ~= s,/,\\,g BMP_DIR = $$(ENV_PATH)\bmp BMP_DIR ~= s,/,\\,g mybmptarget.commands = $$(ENV_PATH)\bmp\link.bat $$PRJ_DIR\bmp $$BMP_DIR mybmptarget.target = mybmptarget QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += mybmptarget PRE_TARGETDEPS += mybmptarget }
the link.bat contains:
if not exist %1 ( mklink /j %1 %2 )
This allows me to use a global ressource folder which is referenced by a PATH variable.