How to use QHeaderView in QScrollArea?
General and Desktop
I have a
, which includes aQGroupBox
:scrollArea = new QScrollArea(&widget); groupBoxLayout = new QVBoxLayout(); groupBox = new QGroupBox(); //add buttons to the layout groupBoxLayout->addWidget(buttons[i]); groupBox->setLayout(groupBoxLayout); scrollArea->setWidget(groupBox);
I'm trying to add a fixed header to the layout. A header that will always be visible no matter if I scroll down. So I did this:
header = new QHeaderView(Qt::Horizontal); header->setSectionsMovable(false); groupBoxLayout->addWidget(header);
before adding the buttons.
- The header appears on top of the buttons in the layout but it's empty (of course - I didn't put anything in it).
- When I scroll down, the header disappears (gets scrolled).
How do I get it to be fixed? Maybe it needs to not be a part of the scrollarea?
Hello,How do I get it to be fixed? Maybe it needs to not be a part of the scrollarea?
This would be my choice, yes. I'd put the header and the scroll area in a vertical layout (setting the stretches to 0 for the header and 1 for the scroll area) and take it from there.
Kind regards.