Build Qt 5 MySQL Plugin for Android
I'm following "Using mariadbclient (Option 1)" from this link: did everything until Deployment Notes. After using the command
"$BR"objdump -p | grep NEEDED
I get the output
/home/intech/android-ndk-r10e/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.8/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-objdump: '': No such fileAm I missing something? Does somebody has an idea what went wrong?
I'm using openssl1.0.2f, libiconv-1.14 and mariadb_client-2.0.0-srcThank you
One more thing:
I'm trying to follow "Option 2" with my compiled files from option 1
I do:
qmake "INCLUDEPATH+=$SR/usr/include/mariadb"...
make installI'm using .../android_armv7/bin/qmake.
What else do I have to do to get it working?