cannot find qsqlodbc4 and QtCore
I transfer project from version 4 to 5. my experience with Qt is very small.
when I build the project, i get errors:cannot find -lC:\Qt\5.5\mingw492_32/plugins/sqldrivers/qsqlodbc4
cannot find -lc:/Qt/4.6.3/lib/QtCore
error: ld returned 1 exit statusTEMPLATE = app TARGET = monitor DESTDIR = ./Debug QT += network sql CONFIG += debug DEFINES += QT_XML_LIB QT_SQL_LIB QT_NETWORK_LIB INCLUDEPATH += ./GeneratedFiles \ ./GeneratedFiles/Debug \ . \ ./release \ ./debug \ $(QTDIR)/mkspecs/win32-msvc2008 LIBS += -L"$(QTDIR)/plugins/sqldrivers" \ -l$(QTDIR)/plugins/sqldrivers/qsqlodbc4 \ -lgdi32 \ -lcomdlg32 \ -loleaut32 \ -limm32 \ -lwinmm \ -lwinspool \ -lws2_32 \ -lole32 \ -luser32 \ -ladvapi32 \ -lmsimg32 \ -lshell32 \ -lc:/Qt/4.6.3/lib/QtCore \ -lkernel32 \ -luuid DEPENDPATH += . MOC_DIR += ./GeneratedFiles/debug OBJECTS_DIR += debug UI_DIR += ./GeneratedFiles RCC_DIR += ./GeneratedFiles #Include file(s) include(monitor.pri) #Windows resource file win32:RC_FILE = monitor.rc
I tried correcting -lc: /Qt/4.6.3/lib/QtCore \ on -lc: /Qt/5.5/mingw492_32/lib/Qt5Core
qsqlodbc4 on qsqlodbc.dll
it exists in a folder C:\Qt\5.5\mingw492_32\plugins\sqldrivers
pls help :) -
Hi and welcome to devnet,
Some things that are looking suspicious in your .pro file:
- Why do you have the mkspecs path in your INCLUDEPATH ?
- Why do you have the path the the sqldrivers in your linker path list ?
- Why are you linking directly to QtCore and qsqlodbc4 ?
- Why are there so many Windows libraries in your LIBS list ? Unless you are using some Windows API directly all the libraries needed will get linked properly based on the Qt modules you are using.
- Based on QT_XML_LIB, you are missing
QT += xml
@SGaist said:
Hi and welcome to devnet,
Some things that are looking suspicious in your .pro file:
- Why do you have the mkspecs path in your INCLUDEPATH ?
- Why do you have the path the the sqldrivers in your linker path list ?
- Why are you linking directly to QtCore and qsqlodbc4 ?
- Why are there so many Windows libraries in your LIBS list ? Unless you are using some Windows API directly all the libraries needed will get linked properly based on the Qt modules you are using.
- Based on QT_XML_LIB, you are missing
QT += xml
I did not write it because I do not know
but i fixed .pro file:QT += core gui network sql multimedia xml greaterThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4): QT += widgets TARGET = monitor TEMPLATE = app CONFIG += debug DEFINES += QT_XML_LIB QT_SQL_LIB QT_NETWORK_LIB INCLUDEPATH += ./GeneratedFiles \ ./GeneratedFiles/Debug \ . \ ./release \ ./debug DEPENDPATH += . MOC_DIR += ./GeneratedFiles/debug OBJECTS_DIR += debug UI_DIR += ./GeneratedFiles RCC_DIR += ./GeneratedFiles #Include file(s) include(monitor.pri) #Windows resource file win32:RC_FILE = monitor.rc
what do you say?
and now I have new errors, i can create a new topic or add to this?)
Qt5 minGW
undefined reference tomore_counter::more_counter(QDialog*)
undefined reference tomore_counter::setpParent(IPWindow*)
undefined reference tomore_counter::setName(QString)
class that declares some private fields:more_counter* moredlg; etc.
error occurs in lines:
moredlg = new more_counter(); moredlg->setpParent(this); moredlg->setName(master->; moredlg->iShow();
class more_counter announced:
ifdef / def / endif - existclass more_counter : public QDialog { Q_OBJECT public: more_counter(QDialog *parent = 0); ~more_counter(); public: void iShow(); void setpParent(IPWindow* prt); void setName(QString name); private: Ui::more_counter ui; IPWindow* parent; more_count* list; void GetData(); void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event); private slots: void on_pb_close_clicked(); }; In another header is:
namespace Ui {
class more_counter: public Ui_more_counter {};
I tried lot of options, but there is no result :( -
still don't make sense and unless you are generating headers as part of your build (which doesn't seem to be the case) There's no need of the paths added toINCLUDEPATH
.The errors you are getting indicates that the class is not built.