Parsing HTML content
General and Desktop
I've the HTML file, which is having the data in the form of tables <Table>. I want to extract those data to my application. What is the correct method to parse the data? and please suggest me any tutorials or examples, if possible.
Hi and welcome to devnet,
Since html is xml, you can use Qt's xml module to do what you want.
Hope it helps
@SGaist Since html is xml (...)
It's not! XHTML is, but it's in rapid decline in favor of Html5. Html has a lot less stricter rules, noticeably a lot of tags don't require a closing tag, which will trip xml parsers.
Qt's xml parser will work or not, depending on how close to xml the html code is. -
Good point, I should have added that if it's only to parse html tables, the XML parser should be enough.