QTabBar set TabShape to Triangular using stylesheet
i'm using stylesheets to modifiy my application.
How to i set the tabShape from a QTabBar from rounded to triangular with stylesheets?
it helped a little, now i have this im my stylesheet:
qproperty-tabPosition: South;
qproperty-tabShape: Triangular;
}QMdiArea#mdiArea QTabBar::tab
background-color: qlineargradient(x1:0, y1:0, x2:0, y2:1, stop:0 lightgray, stop:1 darkgray);
}It is possible to change it with qproperty. But when i apply a background-color or anything
else to "QMdiArea#mdiArea QTabBar::tab" the tabShape flipped back to "Rounded". -
What if you invert the styling ? Doing the QTabBar before the rest