Display image sequence
Hello everybody,
I am currently working on an application which uses Qt, OpenCV and dlib to load a movie, split it into frames and analyze the frames via face detection.
I am able to compute the movie into frames and apply the face detection on each individual frame.
The problem is that I want to display the computed images - which are augmented with a bounding box around the detected faces - but I am not able to change the displayed image in the Graphicsview/ Graphicsscene.
Here is the constructor of my main class (the imageView member references the *QGraphicsView *item constructed in the Qt UI Creator):qt_3::qt_3(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent) { ui.setupUi(this); imageScene = new QGraphicsScene(this); imageScene->setSceneRect(0, 0, ui.imageView->width(), ui.imageView->height()); ui.imageView->setScene(imageScene); // the QGraphicsView item ui.imageView->fitInView(imageScene->sceneRect(), Qt::KeepAspectRatio); connect(&faceDetector, SIGNAL(signalImage()), this, SLOT(on_displayImage())); }
The imageScene is declared like this in the header file:
private: Ui::qt_3Class ui; QGraphicsScene *imageScene;
Here is the method which gets called when the face detection algorithm generated a new image:
void qt_3::on_displayImage(){ Mat image = faceDetector.getComputedImage(); if(!image.data){ Functions::LogStr("Failed to display image"); return; }else{ Functions::LogStr("Display image"); Mat temp; cvtColor(image, temp, CV_BGR2RGB); QImage qImage((const uchar *) temp.data, temp.cols, temp.rows, temp.step, QImage::Format_RGB888); qImage.bits(); imageScene->clear(); imageScene->addPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(qImage)); imageScene->update(); ui.imageView->update(); } }
When the on_displayImage method is invocted nothing happens, the scene does not even get cleared (I loaded up a test image in the constructor which is displayed fine).
I would like to thank you very much for your answers and appreciate the help! -
Hi and welcome to devnet,
Are you sure that temp does contain a valid image ?
first of all thank you very much for your answer.
I checked if the image is valid via QImage's method isNull and I also checked the Mat object's data before it ist converted, both state that the image data is correct. What confuses me is that the scene is not even cleared; I also tried to load a static image in the on_displayImage method but nothing gets cleared or displayed. -
Did you try to move your image at the center of the scene ?
Might be a silly question but are you sure that the getComputedImage function returns a new image each time you call it ?