[solved] Project MESSAGE: Warning: unknown QT: multimediawidgets
Hello everybody,
I'm trying to build a project using command lines.
I have an example project using QCamera and perfectly building with QtCreator.
But when I try to build using command lines, I get this error :
@Project MESSAGE: Warning: unknown QT: multimediawidgets@Does anyone know what I have to do ?
Which qmake are you calling on the command line ? Are you sure it's the same that is used by Qt Creator to build your project ?
I found !
When I call
@"/home/me/Qt/5.4/gcc_64/bin/qmake" /home/me/Camera/Camera.pro -r -spec linux-g++ CONFIG+=debug@It works !
Thanks...But now, I have another problem (I already put in an other discussion, but it's linked).
I want to build this project on my Raspberry pi. I buil and install qt5, but I can't find the good qmake like on my computer.Do you have an idea ?
Thanks a lot,
@which qmake@
will give you the path to qmake executable.
Let's continue the discussion on the other thread, that will avoid confusion.
Since that part is working, please update the thread title prepending [solved] so other forum users may know a solution has been found :)