Qt 5.4/iOS: Deploy Launch.xib
The .pro file contains the following lines to copy a custom launch file to the xCode project:
@launch_xib.files = $$PWD/ios/Launch.xib
QMAKE_BUNDLE_DATA += launch_xib@But the image (e.g. "Launch.xib") is not copied. Instead the LaunchScreen.xib (automatically created by Qt) is added to the project. Is there a possible bug in the pipeline, or are the lines above wrong?
Your lines are correct.
Copy the .plist deployed by QtCreator to output dir, to your project
Add this line in your .pro:
QMAKE_INFO_PLIST = $$PWD/ios/<filename>.plist
@- Change in your <filename>.plist the variable UILaunchStoryboardName:
@ -
Sorry. I did not read correctly your post.
Here the piece of my .pro:@
BUNDLE_DATA.files = $$PWD/ios/icons/Icon.png