QTimer in a GUI application
Hello, everyone!
I'm starting to produce applications with Qt In one of my applications I've come across an unexpected output:
QObject :: startTimer: QTimer can only be used with threads started with QThread.
I'm starting my timer (timer-> start ()) in the class that contains the UI elements (QMainWindow). I do this out of the constructor, in the function below:
void client :: showPorts () {
SettingsDialog showDialogPorts * = new SettingsDialog (this);
serial = new QSerialPort ();
timer = new QTimer ();
connect (time, SIGNAL (timeout ()), this, SLOT (doMyTask ()));
timer-> start (20);
What's wrong with using QTimer in the GUI class (QMainWindow)? Thanks!!
Hi and welcome to devnet,
Are you sure it's that timer that triggers the message ? Not any thread using it ?
[quote author="HamiltonQ" date="1421974393"]It seems to me that there is some problem when I use in class that contains access to UI, am I right?[/quote]No, that's not a problem.
How many threads does your program have?
It should not be a problem unless doMyTask () can initiate another call to showPorts () in which cay you may keep creating timers until system is exhausted
[quote author="alex_malyu" date="1421985237"]It should not be a problem unless doMyTask () can initiate another call to showPorts () in which cay you may keep creating timers until system is exhausted
Thanks, Alex!
But, why doMyTask() have to call showPorts()? I just wanna call doMyTask every 20 ms.
I changed of place the connect ( connect (time, SIGNAL (timeout ()), this, SLOT (doMyTask ())); ), I put him on constructor, but nothing changed, I keep getting the output:
QObject :: startTimer: QTimer can only be used with threads started with QThread.
do you have an QApplication instance?
Then you can google by the "QTimer can only be used with threads started with QThread." pattern. ;)
For three days I am trying to solve this. I have seen numerous topics, but none of them do what I want to do, which is to use the QTimer in the class that contains the UI. The example that the documentation give is for NON-GUI application. But I wanna exactly this
Then let's first get back to the basics.
Do you still see this message if you create a default Qt Widget application and add
mainwindow.hclass MainWindow: public QWidget
// default codepublic slots:
void testTimer();
MainWindow:MainWindow(QWidget *parent)
: QWidget(parent)
QTimer *timer = new QTimer(this);
connect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(testTimer()));timer->start(20);
}void MainWindow::testTimer()
qDebug() << "Timed out !";
@to the default code ?
Just keep your QMainWindow based class, the only thing that was important was the part related to the QTimer
Can you show us your code for doWork()?
Note that in newer versions of Qt, the actual message is "QObject::startTimer: Timers can only be used with threads started with QThread". ("Timers", not "QTimer"!)
All QObjects have built-in timers. I don't think the message came from your QTimer, but rather from your QSerialPort.
No you don't, QMainWindow is a QWidget as well