How to indicate INCLUDE PATH to QT CREATOR
Hi everybody,
I'm sorry for the question, I know is a simnple question but I don´t find the solution.
The thing is :
I'm working with QT CREATOR 2.5.2 and QT 4.8.0, also I'm working with PCL (Point cloud library 1.6.0). I'm programming onto Windows 7 64 bits. I create a simple form with a button using the QT creator and everything works fine, but if I want to include a header file, the QT Creator doesn´t find the header file.
I edited the .pro file, and I use the INCLUDEPATH += indicate the path but the QT Creator doesn´t find the header file.
my cpp file is :
#include "mainwindow.h"
#include "ui_mainwindow.h"
#include "point_types.h"MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) :
ui(new Ui::MainWindow)
delete ui;
}I'm not find the way to say to the QT Creator which is the include PATH, in this case "c:\Program Files\PCL 1.6.0\include"
Please, anyone can help me, I'm really fustrated.
Advanced thanks
Hi and welcome to devnet,
You should use forward slashes and also check whether the includes are in the root path of the library.
Thanks to everybody for the replies,
Yes, if I put the absolute path in the include it works, so in my complete project developed with MSVS C++ and QT designer (not qt creator) I have thousans includes in hundreds files, is imposible to change all.
And regarding forward slashes I proved everything, forward, backward, ..., I start to think is a problem with the QT creator version.
Thank you
Hi again,
I found the error, if my path has a space, INCLUDEPATH is not efective, so I have everything installed inside "Program Files".
Any suggestion ?
Thanks !!!!!
Hi, the "spaces" syndrome you can cure in your .pro file by defining a variable which you then assign to the includepath, like this:
PCLINCLUDE = "c:/Program Files/PCL 1.6.0/include"
(Note that Qt is more happy with forward slashes in the directory names.) -
Thanks !!!
Now everything is working
There's also
@INCLUDEPATH += $$quote(c:/Program Files/PCL 1.6.0/include)@