There is only x64 for Mac? qt-opensource-mac-x64-clang-5.3.1.dmg
Type "uname -a" in the terminal. If it says I386 then it's 32bit kernel mode. If it says x86_x64 then it's 64bit.
Btw. don't mix conventions. x86 doesn't mean 32 bit. It's an instruction set that can run on many architectures (16, 32, 64, 128, 256 and even 512bit) eg. X86-64(known as AMD64) is a 64bit x86 architecture and IA-32 is a 32bit x86 architecture.
To add to chrissaverage, Snow Leopard is the last version of OS X running on 32bit processors
I met a problem.
I intall the qt-opensource-mac-x64-clang-5.3.1.dmg
and open a .pro in Creator, but it recomment me to set a compiler when i compile.
I have Xcode v4.6 on my Mac.
should I install anything else? or how to configure it?i found there, but there is a red exclamatory mark before the desktop Qt 5.3 clang 64bit (in Kit and Qt versions).
and in compiler, it detected iphoneos-clang, iphonesimulator-clang, and i tried them with the qt-opensource-mac-x64-ios-5.3.1.dmg, but still not success.
in the project settings, the Makefile is blank and not found...