[SOLVED]keyboardRectangle() function of QInputMethod always returns a null QRectF
I'm developing a Android application, and I want to know the position and size of the virtual keyboard, to start i used the following code to check if rectangle is NULL:
QRectF keyrect = qApp->inputMethod()->keyboardRectangle();
qDebug() << (keyrect.isNull() ? "NULL" : "NOT NULL");
@The problem is: Even with the virtual keyboard shown on the screen, the keyboardRectangle() function return a NULL rectangle.
I'm missing something, or this is a Qt bug?
My environment:
Windows 8.1
Qt 5.2.1
Qt Creator 3.0.1Targeting Android 2.3.3 ARM
You may have found something. You should check the "bug report system":http://bugreports.qt-project.org to see if it's something known
It's related to this bug report: "QTBUG-33713":https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-33713