How to use AdMod inside a Qt mobile app
I would like to add the AdMob Banners into my mobile app (Android & iOS) (
The AdMod SDK provides the banners to show directly as "View" for Android and as "UIView" for iOS.
So, for everyone programming directly with the Android SDK or the iOS SDK, it is very easy to add a banner: just add the AdView into the graphical layout of the app.But I'm using Qt 5.2, and then I don't know how can I wrap a "View" or a "UIView" inside a QWidget or inside a QML Item, in order to be shown on a Qt application.
Any suggestion or help ??
Gianluca. -
I think I should be patience and wait that V-Play release the plugins for Qt 5
We have updated the Qt AdMob Plugin today to also support rewarded videos + native ads. You can download it for free here: you can find the documentation and examples about how to add the AdMob plugin to your Qt app:, Chris