Add button to QMessageBox with some conditions?
I have a QMessageBox in which I added a QPushbutton by ::addButton().
The clicked() SIGNAL of the push button is connected as per my requirement to other objects.
The problem is that whenever the button is clicked the message box gets closed.
I have tried every combination of Role with that button, but every time the messagebox gets closed.The message box displays a count down, hence I am not running it by the conventional method of ::exec().
The following code shows how I am running the message:@QMessageBox msg;
QString constText = "This is constant\n";
QString timeText = "";;
for(int i = count; i >= 0; i--)
msg.setText(constText + timeText);
MyThreadSleep(QThread::currentThread(), 1000);//Current thread is slept for approximately 1 sec
}@Any idea how I can add the button without it affecting the messageBox?
i don't see any addButton() code in your example. I don't really understand what you want to achieve.
Also i would suggest using QTimer over than your thread-approach for the countdown.
To add to raven-worx, a QMessageBox is not meant to be used for a "permanent" dialog like that. You should subclass QDialog instead