Problem during using OPenGL in QGraphicsView
in the QGaphicsViews object:
@ setViewport(new QGLWidget(QGLFormat(QGL::SampleBuffers)));
setViewportUpdateMode(QGraphicsView::FullViewportUpdate);@but when I ran the program I got the warning message:
@QWindowsGLContext::getProcAddress: Unable to resolve 'glProgramParameteri'
QWindowsGLContext::getProcAddress: Unable to resolve 'glProgramParameteriEXT'
QWindowsGLContext::getProcAddress: Unable to resolve 'glProgramParameteri'
QWindowsGLContext::getProcAddress: Unable to resolve 'glProgramParameteriEXT'
QWindowsGLContext::getProcAddress: Unable to resolve 'glProgramParameteri'
QWindowsGLContext::getProcAddress: Unable to resolve 'glProgramParameteriEXT'
QWindowsGLContext::getProcAddress: Unable to resolve 'glProgramParameteri'
QWindowsGLContext::getProcAddress: Unable to resolve 'glProgramParameteriEXT'@ -
You need to add more information, which Qt version are you using, what OS are you running etc...
[quote author="SGaist" date="1383728102"]Hi,
You need to add more information, which Qt version are you using, what OS are you running etc...[/quote]
Mmmm, I'm sorry for missing these information....
I'm using the "Qt 5.1.1 for Windows 32-bit (VS 2010, OpenGL, 504 MB) " in the Win7 64bit operating system.