Replacing words in a string
If I have a string -
QString s = "Some text MyWord some more text MyWordAgain"
Now I want to replace occurrences of 'MyWord' but ONLY where that is the whole word, so that in the above example 'MyWordAgain' would not be replaced.
I tried
but obviously it replaced both occurrences.
How can I achieve this?Thanks
-use QString::indexOf to find the index of the first occurrence
-use QString & QString::replace ( int position, int n, const QString & after ) -
You can also use QRegularExpression/QRegExp depending whether you're using Qt 5 or Qt 4
bq. Try it …
QString str=“Some text MyWord some more text MyWordAgain”;
s.replace(” MyWord “,” AnotherWord “); //both strings having one character spaces before and after .this is a particular case ... what if you'd want to replace substring within a word or the substring to replace is at the beginning of the string(without leading space character)?
Ok So my problem is not solved
I need to replace all occurrences of a word in a string
So I created a QRegularExpression -
QRegualrExpression regexp("\bWord");
QString s = "this Word is to be replaced and this Word but not this Wordaaaa";
This has the effect of setting s to
this NewWord is to be replaced and the NewWord but not this NewWordaaaa
How can I stop the last substitution being made?Thanks again
try this:
@QRegualrExpression regexp("\bWord\b");@