[SOLVED] Android QML: Close virtual keyboard
Have following situation:
i have simple QML with TextInput as an search field and ListView with elements.
If I click in TextInput it gts focused and virtual keyboard gets shown. but if I click back on ListView(or it element) keyboard doesn't hides.. actually the focus is still on TextInput(why?), I have tried to set focus to ListView explicitly with item_list.forceActiveFocus();, Textinupt lost its focus, but keyboard is still there....How can I hide virtual keyboard? Thanks for any suggestion!
OK, i found it out.
id: text_input1
anchors.fill: parent
font.pixelSize: parent.height-4
text: qsTr("")
// item_list.focus = true;
@It was hard to find it out... Nothing is said in Qt5 documentation.... Found this on QTBUG tracker....
[quote author="AlterX" date="1385205120"]
Just to avoid to get crazy, on 5.1.1 you have to use without Qt voice:
@I hope, from now on, it will be always this one...
[/quote]Sorry, it was my fault...QtCreator 3 beta doesn't recognize inputMethod under Qt object