Qt 5 unusable on remote sessions
Hello guys,
We have a big problem here. We developped a big professional Qt app, that is on a linux server, that everybody launch using a X11 remote session (using small TX)
It's working great using Qt 4.7, or 4.8 with native graphics system.
On Qt 5, the app is SO SLOW that nobody can use it anymore. Is there any solution?? Is there any chance we can migrate one day, or should we decide not to use Qt anymore?
Hi and welcome to devnet,
Since you have a more low level problem, you might better ask on the mailing list where you'll find more Qt's developers/maintainers. This forum is more user oriented
"Qt-Interest":http://lists.qt-project.org/mailman/listinfo/interest should be what you need
You might also try the IRC channel