Error with qtlocation1.dll
Hello everybody,
I try to use qt mobility and the sample example named mapdemo. I compile it on my computer and it works propelly.
Now I would like to try it on an other computer. So I copy all the necessary dll on my other computer , I put it all in the windows path and I run my application.
That is the result of this:
"Image": just want to add that I don't have commercial version of qt.
If somebody have a idea of the reason of that error?
Best regard.
I assume that you are using Qt 4.8 (because of Qt Mobility) so please check "the documentation of deployment of Qt apps to Windows":
Thank you for the reply.
In fact I retry to compile mapdemo project and I run it on an other computer will all the DLL.Now there is no error anymore but the map is not load in the application.
I don't understand why the map is not load whereas on the computer where I compile the project, the map is succeffully load.