Boolean Display in QTableView [Solved]
I'm using a QTableView to display data in a QSqlRelationalTableModel from two related database tables. One of the tables contains a boolean field. I'd like this to display the word "True" or "False" rather than 1 or 0. The RDBMS is MySQL which stores booleans as tiny integers.
I know I could get around this by altering the database to use a string field rather than a boolean field and just store "true" and "false" but that seems wasteful.
How would I go about this?
I'm not sure what the recommended way would be, but I can think of two straight-forward ways off the top of my head.
Create an inherited model and override the QAbstractItemModel::data() function. Have it return "True" or "False" for the Qt::DisplayRole of the column in question.
Create a custom QItemDelegate for that column/table which renders the boolean field to "True" or "False". You can assign it with QAbstractItemView::setItemDelegateForColumn() or QAbstractItemView::setItemDelegate().
Hi and welcome to devnet,
A third way would be to use a "QIdentityProxyModel": in a similar fashion as 1. suggested by dkruger
Hope it helps
I went the QItemDelegate solution. Mostly because I could wrap my head around it the best. Thanks for the suggestions.
Karl -
You're welcome !
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