How to use gSOAP with Qt for Web Service Client
i was following
tutorial but i when i execute wsdl2h program i get this error :
An error occurred while parsing WSDL or XSD from 'http://localhost:11061/WebServ
Error 3 fault: SOAP-ENV:Client [no subcode]
"Validation constraint violation: tag name or namespace mismatch in element 'htm
Detail: [no detail]
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
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Server: Microsoft-IIS/8.0
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X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
Date: Sat, 04 May 2013 15:57:51 GMT
Connection: close
Content-Length: 3071<html>
<!-- ** HERE ** --><head><link rel="alternate" type="text/xml" href="/WebService.asmx?disco" /> <style type="text/css"> BODY { color: #000000; background-color: white; font-family: Ver
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Ive done These steps :
- Creating web service with this WSDL :
<wsdl:definitions xmlns:tm="" xmlns:soapenc="" xmlns:mime="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:soap="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:soap12="" xmlns:http="" xmlns:wsdl="" targetNamespace="">
<s:schema elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="">
<s:element name="GetContact">
<s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="id" type="s:string"/>
<s:element name="GetContactResponse">
<s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="GetContactResult" type="s:string"/>
<wsdl:message name="GetContactSoapIn">
<wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:GetContact"/>
<wsdl:message name="GetContactSoapOut">
<wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:GetContactResponse"/>
<wsdl:portType name="WebServiceSoap">
<wsdl:operation name="GetContact">
<wsdl:input message="tns:GetContactSoapIn"/>
<wsdl:output message="tns:GetContactSoapOut"/>
<wsdl:binding name="WebServiceSoap" type="tns:WebServiceSoap">
<soap:binding transport=""/>
<wsdl:operation name="GetContact">
<soap:operation soapAction="" style="document"/>
<soap:body use="literal"/>
<soap:body use="literal"/>
<wsdl:binding name="WebServiceSoap12" type="tns:WebServiceSoap">
<soap12:binding transport=""/>
<wsdl:operation name="GetContact">
<soap12:operation soapAction="" style="document"/>
<soap12:body use="literal"/>
<soap12:body use="literal"/>
<wsdl:service name="WebService">
<wsdl:port name="WebServiceSoap" binding="tns:WebServiceSoap">
<soap:address location="http://localhost:11061/WebService.asmx"/>
<wsdl:port name="WebServiceSoap12" binding="tns:WebServiceSoap12">
<soap12:address location="http://localhost:11061/WebService.asmx"/>
after that i copy :
<s:schema elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="">
<s:element name="GetContact">
<s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="id" type="s:string"/>
<s:element name="GetContactResponse">
<s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="GetContactResult" type="s:string"/>
</wsdl:types>from wsdl and past it on typemap.dat file
and then i added
myns = ""
to that file
after that ive entered follwing command in cmd :
C:\Gsoap\gsoap-2.8\gsoap\bin\win32>wsdl2h -s -t C:\Gsoap\gsoap-2.8\gsoap\WS\typemap.dat -o contact.h http://localhost:11061/WebService.asmx
where's my problem ?
Thank in advance.
- Creating web service with this WSDL :
This error comes from the gsoap side not Qt, please ask the question on the gsoap mailing list.
sorry -
http://localhost:11061/WebService.asmx is returning an HTML document. wsdl2h is expecting to get a WSDL xml document.
That was it.