32-bit build -embedded generic on 64-bit Linux host?
Apologies if this is already answered in a FAQ somewhere. If that's the case, just point me to it.
Normally, I configure a 32-bit Qt Embedded build in a 32-bit Ubuntu 12 VM with a command such as this:
@./configure -opensource -embedded generic -make "libs tools translations" -prefix /usr/local/qt/4.7.3-embedded -no-nis -no-audio-backend -no-multimedia -no-webkit -svg -qvfb@
I was wondering if it is possible to build the same configuration (i.e. 32-bit Qt Embedded) on a 64-bit host (e.g. 64-bit Ubuntu 12)? If so, how?
Much appreciated.
Adding "-platform linux-g++-32" should get you rolling.
Of course you will need to have all the dependencies in a 32bit version installed for this to succeed.
Yep. It was pretty easy actually. Just needed to install a few additional Ubuntu packages:
@sudo apt-get install libc6-i386 libc6-dev-i386 gcc-multilib g++-multilib@
The configure with the additional option. However, I configured with "-xplatform linux-g++-32".