[SOLVED] QWizard how to reimplement next() slot ?
I'm writing QWizard based class. I need to init next page after next button clicked. When I add just first page, next button is disabled, so thats why I add Blank next page. And need catch next button press event and initialize next Page before it appears. I need your help to do that.
- Enable next button when no next page.
- And/Or generate/reinitialize next page after next pressed
Here is what I've got:
@class GroupWizard : public QWizard { Q_OBJECT//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
public: GroupWizard(QWidget parent = NULL);
public: ~GroupWizard();
private: void initWizard();
public slots: void next();
GroupWizard::GroupWizard(QWidget parent /= NULL/) : QWizard(parent, Qt::WindowTitleHint) {initWizard(); setOptions(QWizard::NoBackButtonOnStartPage|QWizard::HaveFinishButtonOnEarlyPages);
GroupWizard::~GroupWizard() {}
void GroupWizard::initWizard() {const Zone & rootZone = GET_ZONE_MANAGER().getRootZone(); QHashIterator<QString, Zone*> iter(rootZone.getChildren()); QList<Zone *> zoneList; while(iter.hasNext()) { iter.next(); zoneList.append(iter.value()); } addPage(new GroupWizardPage(zoneList)); /*addPage(new GroupWizardPage(zoneList));*/
void GroupWizard::next() {if (currentPage() == NULL) return; GroupWizardPage * curPage = (GroupWizardPage *)currentPage(); QList<int> zoneIds = curPage->getCheckedZonesIds(); QHash<int, Zone *> zonesHash = GET_ZONE_MANAGER().getZones(); QList<Zone *> zoneList; for (int i = 0; i < zoneIds.count(); i++) { Zone * zone = zonesHash.value(zoneIds.at(i)); if (zone) zoneList.append(zone); } if (page(nextId()) == NULL) return; GroupWizardPage * nextPage = (GroupWizardPage *)page(nextId()); nextPage->initPage(zoneList); QWizard::next();
The problem is: I didn't get into my next() slot. -
IIRC, the next() slot from QWizard is not virtual, so you can't just reimplement it.
Did you take a look a the example provided in "QWizard's details":http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/qwizard.html#details ?