[Solved] qt 5.3 and Android
I have strange bug.
F:/Work/AndroidQtHelloWorld - is project root directory.
Then i tru make and deploy project i have error
@Application binary is not in output directory: F:/Work/AndroidQtHelloWorld/android-build/libs/armeabi-v7a/libAndroidQtHelloWorld.so. Please run 'mingw32-make install INSTALL_ROOT=F:/Work/AndroidQtHelloWorld/android-build' first.@In real life file libAndroidQtHelloWorld.so presented in project root directory.
Clear instal, with clear configs solve problem.
I have same issue.
Cannot inderstand your solve.
What do you mean under clear install, clear configs?
[quote author="RiseOfDeath" date="1397033006"]Clear instal, with clear configs solve problem.[/quote] -
I have same issue.
Cannot inderstand your solve.
What do you mean under clear install, clear configs?
[quote author="RiseOfDeath" date="1397033006"]Clear instal, with clear configs solve problem.[/quote]