Setting up qt creator for compiling embedded projects
Hi i want to set up and configure qt creator for windows to write programs running on the raspberry pi.
But i dont get any of this working. I installed qt and for testing purposes and additionally i installed minGW and somewhere I already have installed C++ for Visual Studio.
When I try to run the sample programs it says the following:
:-1: Fehler:Qt Creator benötigt einen Compiler zum Erstellen des Projekts. Bitte richten Sie einen Compiler in den Kit-Einstellungen ein.
In english: I shall configure the compiler in the Kit-Settings. What does this mean.
In the sectrion settins Compiler I added MinGW and added the path: C:\MinGW\bin\g++.exe
And on the Kits sectrion i chose the added compiler.
Whats still wrong?
Thank you for your attention.
welcome to devnet
You need a proper cross-compiler. You need to check if one is available to operate on raspberry pi.
E.g. with "rasberry+pi+windows+crosscompile":