how to hide command window while opening exe
I have an issue in qt 6.6.0 creator project. I use qmake and when I try to open my project exe in release command window is opening bu I don't want to open this command window. I try below solution options:
1- CONFIG -= console in .pro
2- QApplication::setAttribute(Qt::AA_DisableWindowContextHelpButton); in main.cpp
3- #ifdef WIN64
// Windows 64-bit için komut penceresini gizleme ayarları
#pragma comment(linker, "/SUBSYSTEM:windows /ENTRY:mainCRTStartup")
#endif in modelmanager.cpp and main.cpp
4-CONFIG += windows in .pro
5- CONFIG += no_console in .pro
6- CONFIG += WIN64 in .proCould you please help me about this issue? Thank you
@Furkan said in how to hide command window while opening exe:
command window
Do you mean a terminal is opening?
Did you rebuild your app after adding "CONFIG -= console"? -
QT +=
chartsSOURCES += main.cpp
CONFIG += resources_big
warn_offCONFIG -= console
INCLUDEPATH += ../Assets/Libraries/opencv/include
DEPENDPATH += ../Assets/Libraries/opencv/x64/mingwDISTFILES +=
english.qmINCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/../Assets/Libraries/ChartDirector/include
DEFINES += CHARTDIR_HIDE_OBSOLETE _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #chartdir warninglerini kapatmak için
LIBS += ../Assets/Libraries/ChartDirector/lib64/chartdir70.lib
CONFIG += c++11
I can share this part and also I have some cpp and header files.