index out of range problem
I have problem with my c++ program which is connected with qml. I'm trying to add values from QVector to QVariantList(because this type is needed in BarSeries in qml etc.) in for loop. I was adding some cout<< to see where the problem is located, but only what I discovered that my for loop is repeat 8 times with this loop conditions (int i = 0; i<5;i++). My problem is: ASSERT failure in QVector::operator[]: "index out of range" and it is linked to file in which I can see this:{ Q_ASSERT_X(i >= 0 && i < d->size, "QVector::operator[]", "index out of range"); return data()[i]; }
I also add and to my cpp files. Whole the code is working, only last function doesn't. Here's my code, Transformacja.h:
#include <QObject> #include <fftw3.h> #include <iostream> #include <QVariant> #include <QVariantList> using namespace std; #define Re 0 #define Im 1 #define PI 3.14159265359 class Transformacja : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: Q_INVOKABLE static void wykonaj(QVector<double> sygnal); public: static int N; static QVector<double> A; static QVector<double> procenty; Q_INVOKABLE static QVector<double> get_A(); Q_INVOKABLE static int get_N(); Q_INVOKABLE static QVector<double> get_procenty(); Q_INVOKABLE static QVariantList wektor_lista(); //const QVector<double>& vector };
#include <cmath> #include <Transformacja.h> #include <QList> #include <QVariant> #include <QVariantList> QVector<double> Transformacja::A; int Transformacja::N; QVector<double> Transformacja::procenty; void Transformacja::wykonaj(QVector<double> sygnal) { Transformacja::N = sygnal.size(); //okreslenie ilosci probek //cout<<"ilosc probek: "<<ilosc_probek<<endl; //cout<<"Re: "<<Re<<endl; //cout<<"Im: "<<Im<<endl; fftw_complex *T = (fftw_complex*)fftw_malloc(Transformacja::N * sizeof(fftw_complex)); //tablica zespolona PO transformacie fftw_complex *U = (fftw_complex*)fftw_malloc(Transformacja::N * sizeof(fftw_complex)); //tablica sygnalu przed transformata for(int i=0;i<Transformacja::N;i++) //zamiana sygnal na fftw_complex U { U[i][Re] = sygnal[i]; U[i][Im] = 0; //cout<<i+1<<". U zespolone: "<<U[i][Re]<<"+j"<<U[i][Im]<<endl; } fftw_plan plan = fftw_plan_dft_1d(Transformacja::N,U,T,FFTW_FORWARD,FFTW_ESTIMATE); //fftw plan czyli deklaracja jak to zrobic, ile razy, z jakiej tablicy, do jakiej tablicy, //cout<<"utworzono plan"<<endl; fftw_execute(plan); // wykonanie transformaty czyli w tym miejscu T juz nie powinno byc puste //cout<<"wykonano plan"<<endl; fftw_destroy_plan(plan); //usuwanie tego planu powyzej bo wsm po co ma byc w pamieci lol //cout<<"usunieto plan"<<endl; fftw_cleanup(); //jaki cleanup czyli sprzatanie po planie //cout<<"wykonano cleanup"<<endl; //tablica X ktora ma ilosc probek //cout<<"utworzono X"<<endl; Transformacja::A.resize(Transformacja::N); //deklaracja ze bedzie ilosc probek // cout<<"rozszerzono X"<<endl; for(int i=0;i<Transformacja::N;i++) //przeliczanie transformaty na amplitudy - co to znaczy - wyswietla sie 2*|T|/ilosc probek { Transformacja::A[i] = 2.0* sqrt( pow(T[i][Re],2)+pow(T[i][Im],2)) / Transformacja::N; //cout<<i<<". amplituda: "<<X[i]<<endl; } //cout<<"przepisano X do QVector"<<endl; fftw_free(T); fftw_free(U); //cout<<"zwolniono T i U"<<endl; //cout<<"Wykonano pomyslnie transformate :) "<<endl; //to od razu z bomby robi tablice procentowa Transformacja::procenty.resize(Transformacja::N); //Transformacja::procenty[3] = 100*Transformacja::A[3]/Transformacja::A[1]; //cout<<Transformacja::procenty[3]<<endl; //cout<<Transformacja::N<<endl; for(int i=0;i<Transformacja::N;i++) { Transformacja::procenty[i] = 100*Transformacja::A[i]/Transformacja::A[1]; /*if(Transformacja::procenty[i]>100||Transformacja::procenty[i]<0) { cout<<i<<"ta harmoniczna ma wieksza amplitude niz podstawowa"<<endl; } else { } cout<<"procentowy udzial "<<i<<"tej harmonicznej:"<<Transformacja::procenty[i]<<endl; */ } } QVector<double> Transformacja::get_A() { return Transformacja::A; } int Transformacja::get_N() { return Transformacja::N; } QVector<double> Transformacja::get_procenty() { return Transformacja::procenty; } QVariantList Transformacja::wektor_lista() { QVector<int> vec = {1,2,3,4,5,6}; QVariantList lista; //lista.append(; //cout<<lista.size()<<endl; //lista.append(; //lista.append(; //for(int i=0; i<vector.size()-1; i++){ // lista.append(vector[i]); //} for(int i=0; i<vec.size()-1; i++){ lista.append(vec[i]); } return lista; }
in main.qml I just want to use BarSet to show percentage of harmonics in non-sinusoidal signals:
BarSeries{ id: wykres_FFT axisX: axisX axisY: axisY BarSet{ id: barset values: transformacja.wektor_lista() //what i want here is values: transformacja.wektor_lista(transformacja.get_procenty()), but for now I'm trying to solve easiest problem.... } }
Could you see where the problem is or could you help me with some tips? Maybe more debugs or sth. Sorry for my English, I'm still learning.
@Jimmy01901 You posted several loops without saying which one is causing the problem.
@Jimmy01901 run with debugger attached and it will show you exactly where the fail is.
The assert is very clear: you are trying to access an invalid index of the vector (so, index smaller than zero or equal or larger than
). Where exactly it happens I do not know, you are accessing vector elements in many places inTransformacja::wykonaj(QVector<double> sygnal)
without checkingsize()
.Also, on an unrelated note: try to avoid programming in Polish (or any other language than English). It is very hard to understand mixed-language code. And most programming projects are international so somebody at some time will have a hard time trying to understand your code... like right now when you post it on English-speaking forum ;-) I happen to know Polish but this is just a coincidence.
@Jimmy01901 said in index out of range problem:
I don't see anything wrong there. Please run in debugger like @sierdzio suggested to see what exactly happens.
@Jimmy01901 Your
function leaves the last element out (notesize()-1
), so I'm guessing you're then accessing the list believing there's one more item than it really has.Btw. if you just want to make a variant list out of vector elements you can do it like this:
QVector<int> vec {1,2,3,4,5,6}; QVariantList list (vec.begin(), vec.end());
Also, since
is local anyway, why even bother with transforming it. You can just doQVariantList Transformacja::wektor_lista() { return {1,2,3,4,5,6}; }
@Chris-Kawa I will try this thank you