Qt Widget content refreshing issue
Hi, I had a project which was running QT 4.8 and I upgraded to Qt 5.15.2. The project compiles and runs. However, when I run the project, it shows content on the screen. When I change the value, the value is updated in the backend but the screen still shows the old value. It is only when I open another page and then come back to this page where I made the change, it updates.
FYI, the entire code is the same and the only difference is the addition of QT Widgets which I had to include since in QT 5.15.2, it is a separate module. The link shows a video where the refreshing issue is visible: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1y_awd3zslkWNCcmUfWNH_mJnoCtEN86a/view?usp=drive_link
Without any code it's almost impossible to guess what might be going wrong.
The best thing to do is to reduce your code so that only the faulty widget is present and exhibits this behaviour.