Unexplained infinite loop during TCP connection.
I want to do TCP communication. but, Unexplained infinite loop during TCP connection.
I don't have it specifically set to loop.An infinite loop occurs between A and B in the code below
If the IP of the [connectToHost] is used as the loopback address, this problem does not occur.
Is it a code problem or a PC configuration problem?QTcpSocket *m_pTcpSocket; void MyTcp::fnTcpConnect(QString sTcpConnectHostIP, quint16 uiTcpConnectPort, QString sTcpClientIP) { //A connect(m_pTcpSocket, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(fnTcpRecvWifiData())); connect(m_pTcpSocket, &QAbstractSocket::stateChanged, this, &CcuTcp::fnTcpWifiStateChanged ); m_pTcpSocket->setProxy(QNetworkProxy::NoProxy); m_pTcpSocket->bind( QHostAddress( sTcpClientIP ), QAbstractSocket::DefaultForPlatform); //B m_pTcpSocket->connectToHost( sTcpConnectHostIP, uiTcpConnectPort ); }
Qt: 5.15.2 MinGW 64bit
OS: Windows10(Virtual machine on Linux) -
@w-tkm said in Unexplained infinite loop during TCP connection.:
An infinite loop occurs between A and B in the code below
What exactly do you mean by "infinite loop"? What is looping?
If the IP address of connectToHost is set to, it will not be called after that.
Also, if I add a subnet with the desired IP address to the virtual NIC, it will not be called again.
(If I want to connect to, add there was a problem with the operation in the virtual environment.
I've never been able to figure out what caused it, but...