How to identify click events on customised objects?
We are rendering an Opengl Object using QGLWidget and we are trying to add signals and slots to the Opengl customised widget.
How do we identity click event on our customised objects?By click I meant mouse down and mouse up event.
Actually we are rendering a set of customised linear buttons using QGLWidget.
So how do we identify the mouse click in a particular area of our customised buttons? -
What do you mean by "identify click event"?
Note that there is no real click event in Qt in the sense of QEvents. There are mouse down and up events, and there is a double click event, but no click event. A click is simply a mouse down, followed by a mouse up in the same region of your widget. -
Hi, I am doing the same thing. I am working with the QGraphicsView/Scene. I want to add invisible rectangular areas, that has multiple properties, like clickable, repaintable, updatable, etc. Are only the event handlers option here or SIGNAL/SLOT mechanism still can be used?