QSignalSpy using a QSharedPointer signal?
Good day fellow QT coders, hope your code compiles well. I've been reading up on using QTtest and how unit testing works overall. Been a fun last 2 days. I've noticed that QSIgnalSpy doesn't like when I use QSharedPointers to call the signal though.
void UnitTest::checkSignal() { QSharedPointer<ClassBegin> begin; QSignalSpy beginSpy(&begin, &ClassBegin::update); <---- }
I keep getting a C++ a nonstatic member reference must be relative to a specific object error at the <---- line above. I didn't see it anywhere in the docs but can QSignalSPy use QSharedPointers?
Appreciate the help, thank you!
You need to connect it to the object that is hold by the shared pointer not by the pointer.
connect(begin.data(), ...)
But you can only do this once you put something in the QSharedPointer so you might as well do a normal connect call when you set the object in "begin".
You cannot "preemptlively" connect.