Parsing JSON file
I get a JSON file and parse
QJsonDocument jsonResponse = QJsonDocument::fromJson(strReply.toUtf8()); QJsonObject jsonObject = jsonResponse.object();
At this point I see
QJsonObject QString jsonObject <2 items> QJsonObject "DailyForecasts" <1 items> QJsonValue (Array) [0] <15 items> QJsonValue (Object) "AirAndPollen" <6 items> QJsonValue (Array) "Date" "2022-01-02T07:00:00+02:00" QJsonValue (String) "Day" <23 items> QJsonValue (Object) "DegreeDaySummary" <2 items> QJsonValue (Object) "EpochDate" 1641099600.0 QJsonValue (Number) "HoursOfSun" 9.3 QJsonValue (Number) "Link" "" QJsonValue (String) "MobileLink" "" QJsonValue (String) "Moon" <6 items> QJsonValue (Object) "Night" <25 items> QJsonValue (Object) "RealFeelTemperature" <2 items> QJsonValue (Object) "RealFeelTemperatureShade" <2 items> QJsonValue (Object) "Sources" <1 items> QJsonValue (Array) "Sun" <4 items> QJsonValue (Object) "Temperature" <2 items> QJsonValue (Object)"Maximum" <3 items> QJsonValue (Object) "Unit" "F" QJsonValue (String) "UnitType" 18 QJsonValue (Number) "Value" 67.0 QJsonValue (Number) "Minimum" <3 items> QJsonValue (Object) "Headline" <9 items> QJsonValue (Object)
How can I get down to the value - "DailyForecasts" ->"Temperature"->"Maximum"->"Value"?
I try the next childQJsonObject data0 = jsonObject["DailyForecasts"].toObject (); QJsonObject data1 = data0 ["0"].toObject ();
I get an empty object.
DailyForcasts is an Array, not an object so use toArray()
@Christian-Ehrlicher said in Parsing JSON file:
DailyForcasts is an Array, not an object so use toArray()
QJsonArray daily = jsonObject["DailyForecasts"].toArray ();
I get
daily <at least 100000000 items> -
Please show your json instead some debugger output. Also please post how you try to parse the array.
@Christian-Ehrlicher said in Parsing JSON file:
Please show your json instead some debugger output. Also please post how you try to parse the array.
it's quite large.
{ "Headline": { "EffectiveDate":"2022-01-02T13:00:00+02:00", "EffectiveEpochDate":1641121200, "Severity":4, "Text":"Expect rainy weather Sunday afternoon through Sunday evening", "Category":"rain", "EndDate":"2022-01-03T01:00:00+02:00", "EndEpochDate":1641164400, "MobileLink":"", "Link":"" }, "DailyForecasts": [ { "Date":"2021-12-30T07:00:00+02:00", "EpochDate":1640840400, "Sun": { "Rise":"2021-12-30T06:41:00+02:00", "EpochRise":1640839260, "Set":"2021-12-30T16:45:00+02:00", "EpochSet":1640875500 }, "Moon": { "Rise":"2021-12-30T02:43:00+02:00", "EpochRise":1640824980, "Set":"2021-12-30T13:40:00+02:00", "EpochSet":1640864400, "Phase":"WaningCrescent", "Age":26 }, "Temperature": { "Minimum": { "Value":55.0, "Unit":"F", "UnitType":18 }, "Maximum": { "Value":68.0, "Unit":"F", "UnitType":18 } }, "RealFeelTemperature": { "Minimum": { "Value":55.0, "Unit":"F", "UnitType":18, "Phrase":"Cool" }, "Maximum": { "Value":68.0, "Unit":"F", "UnitType":18, "Phrase":"Pleasant" } }, "RealFeelTemperatureShade": { "Minimum": { "Value":55.0, "Unit":"F", "UnitType":18, "Phrase":"Cool" }, "Maximum": { "Value":65.0, "Unit":"F", "UnitType":18, "Phrase":"Pleasant" } }, "HoursOfSun":4.5, "DegreeDaySummary": { "Heating": { "Value":3.0, "Unit":"F", "UnitType":18 }, "Cooling": { "Value":0.0, "Unit":"F", "UnitType":18 } }, "AirAndPollen": [ { "Name":"AirQuality", "Value":0, "Category":"Good", "CategoryValue":1, "Type":"Ozone" }, { "Name":"Grass", "Value":0, "Category":"Low", "CategoryValue":1 }, { "Name":"Mold", "Value":0, "Category":"Low", "CategoryValue":1 }, { "Name":"Ragweed", "Value":0, "Category":"Low", "CategoryValue":1 }, { "Name":"Tree", "Value":0, "Category":"Low","CategoryValue":1 }, { "Name":"UVIndex", "Value":3, "Category":"Moderate", "CategoryValue":2 } ], "Day": { "Icon":4, "IconPhrase":"Intermittent clouds", "HasPrecipitation":false, "ShortPhrase":"Clouds and sun", "LongPhrase":"Intervals of clouds and sunshine", "PrecipitationProbability":25, "ThunderstormProbability":0, "RainProbability":25, "SnowProbability":0, "IceProbability":0, "Wind": { "Speed": { "Value":6.9, "Unit":"mi/h", "UnitType":9 }, "Direction": { "Degrees":157, "Localized":"SSE", "English":"SSE" } }, "WindGust": { "Speed": { "Value":13.8, "Unit":"mi/h", "UnitType":9}, "Direction": { "Degrees":177, "Localized":"S", "English":"S" } }, "TotalLiquid": { "Value":0.0, "Unit":"in", "UnitType":1}, "Rain": { "Value":0.0, "Unit":"in", "UnitType":1 }, "Snow": { "Value":0.0, "Unit":"in", "UnitType":1 }, "Ice": { "Value":0.0, "Unit":"in", "UnitType":1 }, "HoursOfPrecipitation":0.0, "HoursOfRain":0.0, "HoursOfSnow":0.0, "HoursOfIce":0.0, "CloudCover":68, "Evapotranspiration": { "Value":0.07, "Unit":"in", "UnitType":1 }, "SolarIrradiance": {"Value":416.3, "Unit":"W/m²", "UnitType":33 } }, "Night": {"Icon":7, "IconPhrase": "Cloudy", "HasPrecipitation":false, "ShortPhrase":"Considerable cloudiness", "LongPhrase":"Considerable cloudiness", "PrecipitationProbability":14, "ThunderstormProbability":0, "RainProbability":14, "SnowProbability":0, "IceProbability":0, "Wind": { "Speed": { "Value":6.9, "Unit":"mi/h", "UnitType":9 }, "Direction": { "Degrees":131, "Localized":"SE", "English":"SE" } }, "WindGust": { "Speed": { "Value":16.1, "Unit":"mi/h", "UnitType":9}, "Direction": { "Degrees":117, "Localized":"ESE", "English":"ESE" } }, "TotalLiquid": { "Value":0.0, "Unit":"in", "UnitType":1 }, "Rain": { "Value":0.0, "Unit":"in", "UnitType":1}, "Snow": { "Value":0.0, "Unit":"in", "UnitType":1 }, "Ice": { "Value":0.0, "Unit":"in", "UnitType":1 }, "HoursOfPrecipitation":0.0, "HoursOfRain":0.0, "HoursOfSnow":0.0, "HoursOfIce":0.0, "CloudCover":99, "Evapotranspiration": { "Value":0.03, "Unit":"in", "UnitType":1 }, "SolarIrradiance": { "Value":0.0, "Unit":"W/m²", "UnitType":33 } }, "Sources": ["AccuWeather"], "MobileLink":"", "Link":"" } ] }
I just set a break point at daily to see what next nodes I get.
@jenya7 said in Parsing JSON file:
I just set a break point
When you don't show us your code - how should we help?
Please show us how you try to parse the array, not some debugger output -
@Christian-Ehrlicher said in Parsing JSON file:
@jenya7 said in Parsing JSON file:
I just set a break point
When you don't show us your code - how should we help?
Please show us how you try to parse the array, not some debugger outputThat's all my code
QJsonDocument jsonResponse = QJsonDocument::fromJson(strReply.toUtf8()); QJsonObject jsonObject = jsonResponse.object(); QJsonArray daily = jsonObject["[DailyForecasts"].toArray();
in jsonObject I see all objects. daily <0 items>.
And you still not show us how you try to access the single array elements nor what the debug output suggested by @JonB prints out.
@KroMignon said in Parsing JSON file:
@jenya7 said in Parsing JSON file:
QJsonArray daily = jsonObject["[DailyForecasts"].toArray();
I don't known if it is a copy past from your real code.
If it is the case there is a typo ==>"[DailyForecasts"
should be"DailyForecasts"
Yes. Sorry. Was my typo. Now it seems to be OK.
But how can I go further?QJsonArray daily1 = jsonObject["DailyForecasts"].toArray(); QJsonArray temp = daily1 [?].?
@Christian-Ehrlicher said in Parsing JSON file:
And you still not show us how you try to access the single array elements nor what the debug output suggested by @JonB prints out.
I still don't know how to do it. :)
@jenya7 said in Parsing JSON file:
I still don't know how to do it. :)
Yes, Qt documentation about JSON is a little bit short (
You can iterate through the array:for(const auto & dayValue : jsonObject["DailyForecasts"].toArray()) { // convert value to object QJsonObject day = dayValue.toObject(); // according to your post, temperature seems to be an object, not an array QJsonObject temperature = day["Temperature"].toObject(); }
@KroMignon said in Parsing JSON file:
@jenya7 said in Parsing JSON file:
I still don't know how to do it. :)
Yes, Qt documentation about JSON is a little bit short (
You can iterate through the array:for(const auto & dayValue : jsonObject["DailyForecasts"].toArray()) { // convert value to object QJsonObject day = dayValue.toObject(); // according to your post, temperature seems to be an object, not an array QJsonObject temperature = day["Temperature"].toObject(); }
Thank you. It works. And how to get objects inside the "Temperature"?
I wonder why I can't access it like thisQJsonArray temp = daily[0].toArray();
I get no errors but it doesn't work.
@jenya7 said in Parsing JSON file:
I get no errors but it doesn't work.
Why should it work?
You are trying to convertQJsonValue
, but according to your post it is aQJsonObject
.You could use
to ensure value type before converting.
But, as you know the right type, you only have to use the right functions ;) -
@jenya7 said in Parsing JSON file:
I'm lost from this point on. The best I could find
QJsonValue temp_max = temperature.value("Maximum");
Doesn't work.
What do you mean with does not work?
This should work:
for(const auto & dayValue : jsonObject["DailyForecasts"].toArray()) { // convert value to object QJsonObject day = dayValue.toObject(); // according to your post, temperature seems to be an object, not an array QJsonObject temperature = day["Temperature"].toObject(); QJsonObject maxTemp = temperature["Maximum"].toObject(); QJsonObject minTemp = temperature["Minimum"].toObject(); if(!maxTemp.isEmpty()) qDebug() << "'MaxTemp is" << maxTemp["Value"].toDouble() << maxTemp["Unit"].toString(); if(!minTemp.isEmpty()) qDebug() << "'MinTemp is" << minTemp["Value"].toDouble() << minTemp["Unit"].toString(); }
As @KroMignon says.While you are developing, and not understanding how your JSON is parsed/what objects/arrays etc. it is composed of, make use of QJsonValue::Type QJsonValue::type() const and enum QJsonValue::Type. If you print this all the time you would know how the JSON is being parsed, e.g.
qDebug() << jsonObject["DailyForecasts"].type() << day["Temperature"].type() << temperature["Maximum"].type()
etc. That's how you know whether you can go