Access To QWidget declared in addTab() function.
Hello guys,
I'm trying to create a simple notepad with tabs but I have a problem.
I made a button to create a new Tab and put this code:ui->tabWidget->addTab(new QTextEdit(), QString("Tab " + QString::number(ui->tabWidget->count() + 1)));
My question is, there is a way yo access the QTextEdit I declared in the addTab() function?
QTabWidget::widget is one way.
Do note that QTabWidget::widget returns the QTextEdit as a QWidget pointer so you need to use
qobject_cast to make it a QTextEdit pointer and hence be able to use QTextEdit methods. -
Hi np. its likeQTextEdit * edit = qobject_cast <QTextEdit*> ( ui->tabWidget->widget(0)) ; if (edit) { // check is important as if its not a QTextEdit then edit is null and app crash :) edit->xxxxx(); }
More information in the function documentation.
Hey, what does that It statement do? And what do I have to write instead of xxxxx()?
Hi. this statement takes a base pointer (QWidget *) and cast it to the concrete child type.
In this case a QTextEdit.
This only works it IS a QTextEdit there.
So basically we do likeSomeClass * ptr = ( Otherclass *) ui->tabWidget->widget(0)
but in a saer manner that will fial its its not a QTextWidget.
A pure cast /old type cast will always work but crash the app if
it really not is a TextEditedit->xxxxx(); is just to show to call functions in it. xxxx is just like any function it has.
edit->toPlainText():to get all text into QString or what ever you want to do with your textedit
Why would you need it as a global ?If you plan something like NotePad++ with tabs then each tab will be its own QTextEdit
and you need to take the right one, depending on which tab user clicks.So you should hook up a slot to the signal
and there you got the index (the parameter) to use to ask for the widget, then
convert it and you can alter text or what you want. -
You still dont need a global variable for that :)Any button that must access the TextEdit can just get it.
like you cna make a helper function to make this easy
TextEdit * MainWindow::GetEditor() { return q_objectcast<TextEdit *> ( ui->tabWidget->currentWidget() ); } then in BOLd button clicked etc , you can do void BoldClicked() { TextEdit * edit = GetEditor(); to have access to the current tab as a TextEdit if (edit) { make text bold ... } }