Qmake not executable while configuring
The path shown there is within the sysroot meaning the root filesystem for your target. Therefore the binaries in there are built for your target architecture.
Okay , Thank you @JonB , @SGaist for your valuable response.
I want to complile the qt application code on ubuntu desktop through for Imx6 architecture. so i created the toolchain SDK with help of yocto.As per your suggestion if check it with file qmake output is as follow:
qt5/qmake: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, ARM, EABI5 version 1 (GNU/Linux), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/ld-linux-armhf.so.3, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, BuildID[sha1]=a8d35a7ec22c1c368ba4b9906dc9cd880f146834, strippedDid i done wrong while toolchain creation in yocto?
@Rohit39 said in Qmake not executable while configuring:
Did i done wrong while toolchain creation in yocto?
Looks like that. Then you cross compile Qt you should get tools like qmake compiled for HOST architecture, not target architecture as you execute them on host machine when cross compiling your apps.
@Rohit39 said in Qmake not executable while configuring:
qmake file location is
So, there is no other qmake?
Did you tryfind /opt/fsl-imx-x11 -name qmake
@jsulm Thank you for your response.
if do find /opt/fsl-imx-x11 -name qmake output is as follow:
first one is directory and last two are executable with following information
if do file /opt/fsl-imx-x11/4.9.88-2.0.0/sysroots/cortexa7hf-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/usr/bin/qt5/.debug/qmakeqmake: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, ARM, EABI5 version 1 (GNU/Linux), dynamically linked, interpreter empty, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, BuildID[sha1]=a8d35a7ec22c1c368ba4b9906dc9cd880f146834, not stripped
and file /opt/fsl-imx-x11/4.9.88-2.0.0/sysroots/cortexa7hf-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/usr/bin/qt5/qmake
qt5/qmake: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, ARM, EABI5 version 1 (GNU/Linux), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/ld-linux-armhf.so.3, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, BuildID[sha1]=a8d35a7ec22c1c368ba4b9906dc9cd880f146834, stripped -
What exactly did you do ?
@SGaist I have followed first
$bitbake meta-toolchain-qt5
but it throws an error :
Error: Transaction check error:file /opt/fsl-imx-x11/4.9.88-2.0.0/sysroots/x86_64-pokysdk-linux/environment-setup.d conflicts between attempted installs of nativesdk-cmake-3.8.2-r0.x86_64_nativesdk and nativesdk-qtbase-tools-5.9.4+git0+0d9208cecb-r0.x86_64_nativesdk
Its for Rocko version.
and about to follow steps as below from doc
inherit populate_sdk_qt5 == [in recipe image]
$bitbake -c populate_sdk <image-name>so its not generating qmake file for x86 architecture.
The versions of the two clashing packages looks pretty old...
I was thinking about both cmake and Qt versions.