Setup certain startup project
I have successfully compiled a github project, and I noticed that has few sub-projects:
and Project 2:
but when I try to Debug this project, my Qt Creator Debugger is always go on Project1 main.cpp, and I wish to run Debugger on Project2 main.cpp/main_window.cpp/and so on.
My question is: how can I setup the startup project on Project2 ? I didn't saw such a option on project settings ...
Or, maybe I didn't getting something right. Didn't I ?
I think the button @Flaviu-0 is talking about has an icon of a monitor on it. On opening it, a two-column menu appears to the right. In the right hand column of this menu under "Run" Is a list of the executable in the project. Each line has a button which which will launch the executable. I was able to choose the startup with a right click on one of these executable, which would highlight that line. With that line highlighted, I could back out and use the debug button, and it would launch the executable which I'd left highlighted.