pid vs processId
What are you talking ? QProcess ? If so, how do you use it ?
If not, what are you doing ?
What code are you using ? -
@SGaist yes qprocess i start the servers in this function
void ApplicationEngine::checkAndStartServers() { std::cout << "checking thrift" << std::endl; QProcess systemCheck; systemCheck.start("/bin/bash",QStringList() << "-c" << "ps -aux | grep \'[V]\' | wc -l"); systemCheck.waitForFinished(); QString output(systemCheck.readAllStandardOutput()); int numInstants = output.toInt(); if(numInstants < 1) { std::cout << "thrift has not started" << std::endl; std::cout << "starting thrift" << std::endl; thriftProcess.start("/bin/bash",QStringList() << "-c" << "cd /home/avidbeam/DB-management/ThriftDBi && python"); cout<<; } else { std::cout << "Thrift already running\n"; std::cout << "number of runnign thrift instants is: \n" << output.toStdString() << std::endl; } std::cout << "checking detection server" << std::endl; systemCheck.start("/bin/bash",QStringList() << "-c" << "ps -aux | grep \'[d]etection-server.json\' | wc -l"); systemCheck.waitForFinished(); output =QString(systemCheck.readAllStandardOutput()); numInstants = output.toInt(); if(numInstants < 1) { std::cout << "detection-server has not started: starting now ..." << std::endl; detectionServerProcess.start("/bin/bash",QStringList() << "-c" << "cd /home/avidbeam/workspace/ATUN_plugins/Phoenix_1_1_0/avidauto-plugin/submodules/detector && /usr/local/lib/ViBESDK_exe -j detection-server.json -v 3"); } else { std::cout << "detection-server already started: \n" << output.toStdString() << std::endl; } std::cout << "checking recognition server" << std::endl; systemCheck.start("/bin/bash",QStringList() << "-c" << "ps -aux | grep \'[r]ecognition-server.json\' | wc -l"); systemCheck.waitForFinished(); output =QString(systemCheck.readAllStandardOutput()); numInstants = output.toInt(); if(numInstants < 1) { std::cout << "recognition-server has not started: starting now ..." << std::endl; recognitionServerProcess.start("/bin/bash",QStringList() << "-c" << "cd ~/workspace/ATUN_plugins/Phoenix_1_1_0/avidauto-plugin/submodules/ocr && /usr/local/lib/ViBESDK_exe -j recognition-server.json -v 3"); } else { std::cout << "recognition-server already started: \n" << output.toStdString() << std::endl; } }
and after i finish i want to create a function to check if those servers stoped by checking if their pid is 0 or not and if not i want to kill them
A couple of observations:-
You start your second
too soon after you have spawned yourdetectionServerProcess
. Since you don't wait, there is certainly a chance your_exe
will not have started yet. -
I would not be running
processes. I would be looking in the Linux/proc
vfs. -
If you really want kill you'll want to run
, or you might go forpkill
and save on half this stuff. Or you might callkill()
function directly (man kill(2)). -
You might look at have your shell script get the pid of the process created and return it, instead of all this
looking up. -
You might be better moving more/all of the logic into the shell script (e.g. supply a shell script file with your app) instead of doing half of it here in your C++ code, and hard-coded at that. It also may make it easier to adapt if there are problems/changes/enhancements required, rather than have to alter your C++ code.
There is also
, though they might not work well with the way you are spawning. If your_exe
is a "server" (Linux demon) you probably ought be usingQProcess::startDetached()
rather thanstart()
. -
@JonB so checking the pid then using .kill() is not going to work or what
if({ thriftProcess.kill(); } if({ detectionServerProcess.kill(); } if( recognitionServerProcess.kill();
what about thisQProcess systemcheck,kill; systemcheck.start("/bin/bash",QStringList() << "-c" << "ps -aux | grep chrome | awk '{print $2}'"); systemcheck.waitForFinished(); QString output(systemcheck.readAllStandardOutput()); QStringList pids=output.split('\n'); pids.pop_back(); //cout<<output.toStdString()<<endl; if(pids.size()){ for(auto it:pids){ kill.start(QString("kill -9 %1").arg(it.toInt())); cout<<it.toInt()<<endl; } }
i get the pid's of the process i am searching for and adding them to a list and running the kill command on them i really dont know what i am supposed to do after i run this it outputs this
535 QProcess::start: Process is already running 556 QProcess::start: Process is already running 676 QProcess::start: Process is already running 678 QProcess::start: Process is already running 5690 QProcess::start: Process is already running 5700 QProcess::start: Process is already running 5701 QProcess::start: Process is already running 5702 QProcess::start: Process is already running 5705 QProcess::start: Process is already running 5726 QProcess::start: Process is already running 5729 QProcess::start: Process is already running 5742 QProcess::start: Process is already running 5789 QProcess::start: Process is already running 5812 QProcess::start: Process is already running 5838 QProcess::start: Process is already running 6115 QProcess::start: Process is already running 22797 QProcess::start: Process is already running 31396 QProcess::start: Process is already running 31834 QProcess::start: Process is already running 32434 QProcess: Destroyed while process ("kill") is still running.```
@Dijkstra said in pid vs processId:
kill.start(QString("kill -9 %1").arg(it.toInt()));
This is wrong. Use the static method...
Also, parameters are passed as string list as described in the documentation.