Why android template project is not displayed in the project structure in QtCreator?
Mobile and Embedded
I have noticed this problem when I useAndroid kit
(no matter which one) withCMake
as build system.
I create android template project from the Project view of QtCreator:The android folder is created but I got this error:
And the android project is not displayed in the project structure in QtCreator. I tried also uncommenting this line in
I also tried with adding
variable same like in the .pro file whenqmake
is used:set(DISTFILES android/AndroidManifest.xml android/build.gradle android/gradle.properties android/gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.jar android/gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.properties android/gradlew android/gradlew.bat android/res/values/libs.xml )
but it is not working. This is not happening when I use
. In that case, project structure is updated and there isOtherFiles/android
folder.How can I solve this with cmake? Thanks in advance.
for me, the first answer does not take effect, but the second answer works well.