[pyqt] Slot crashed in secondary thread without error and works in GUI thread
I have an application with 2 threads. One for the main GUI and another used for heavy computations.
This works quite ok but I have one slot that makes my application crashing without any error when executed in the secondary thread. If I execute it in the GUI thread, there is no problem...Any idea on :
- How to fix it
- How to get more information about the crash
Here is the code I am running, I figured out that the call the the library thorlabs_apt causes the crash. This is a library controlling some mechanical equipments via USB. (mainly motors).
The library is on GitHubI use the function moveToThread. When using the decorator @pyqtslot() the function crashes, without that decorator, everything works fine.
import thorlabs_apt as apt """ Class definition and other slots """ def InitConnection(self): self.measurementLog.emit("Starting measurement") try: thorlabs_stages_available = apt.list_available_devices() print(thorlabs_stages_available) for i in range(len(thorlabs_stages_available)): if thorlabs_stages_available[i][1] == 49857638: self.shutter = apt.Motor(thorlabs_stages_available[i][1]) self.measurementLog[str, loggingLevel].emit("Shutter detected", loggingLevel.SUCCESS) self.shutter.set_velocity_parameters(0, 7, 2.5) self.measurementLog.emit("Max shutter velocity set to 2.5") self.measurementLog.emit("Homing shutter...") self.shutter.move_home(blocking=True) self.measurementLog.emit("Done") elif thorlabs_stages_available[i][1] == 40834508: self.nanorotator = apt.Motor(thorlabs_stages_available[i][1]) self.measurementLog[str, loggingLevel].emit("Nano rotator detected", loggingLevel.SUCCESS) self.measurementLog.emit("Homing nanorotator...") self.nanorotator.move_home(blocking=True) self.measurementLog.emit("Done") elif thorlabs_stages_available[i][1] == 83828364: self.mz7 = apt.Motor(thorlabs_stages_available[i][1]) self.measurementLog[str, loggingLevel].emit("MZ7 detected", loggingLevel.SUCCESS) self.measurementLog.emit("Homing mz7 analyzer...") self.mz7.move_home(blocking=True) self.measurementLog.emit("Done") self.thorlabs_connected.emit(True) except Exception as e: stages_connected = False print("Thorlabs stages initialization failed: {}".format(e))
To get more information about the crash you can use pdb or ipdb and start you script from there.
Same behavior when using ipdb, no error message.I found out tha tif I import he thorlabs_apt library from within the slots it works.
How can it be? Is that something that often happen and shall I keep my code this way?
This does not sound very "clean"... -
Can't you step in your code until the crash happens ?
@Thombou said in [pyqt] Slot crashed in secondary thread without error and works in GUI thread:
I instantiate an object of a class that has been defined in the main thread?
What does that mean? If you create the instance in the correct thread then all is fine. A class is not "defined" in a thread.
@jsulm said in [pyqt] Slot crashed in secondary thread without error and works in GUI thread:
@Thombou said in [pyqt] Slot crashed in secondary thread without error and works in GUI thread:
I instantiate an object of a class that has been defined in the main thread?
What does that mean? If you create the instance in the correct thread then all is fine. A class is not "defined" in a thread.
Technically, a class definition does happen within a particular thread in python or likely any other interpreted language. It's possible that the definition creates or captures a QObject reference, making the class unusable from other threads.
The same general hazard is possible in C++ with lambda objects with captures, use of global QObjects, and likely additional scenarios.
I don't have any reason to suspect the OP is doing this. If I'm wrong, stop doing this!