how to use (pulseaudio) system-libraries in a new QT Program
So - Im pretty new here , as well as to programming in general,
but i've set myself an ambitious goal - and are now trying to reach it, eventually.
(even though this project of mine might take like centuries but , i'll still try it.)What i'm trying to accomplish:
I want to write an c++ application which uses an system library to speak with an program / or daemon (PulseAudio to be exact here)
issue is - i have no clue on how to load this libraries.
i went through the Pulseaudio src , the additional programs like "paprefs" "pactl" "pacmd" and even oder programs based on the code of PulseAudio, "PavuControl" which is shipped in every Ubuntu nowadays to provide a GUI for Pulseaudio.
But i still cannot figure out how i can load the libs or talk to Pulseaudio otherwise.
Code Examples tend to be only the code examples , without loading the libs - so i cant learn it from there.I want to write an Program , more or less like pavucontrol but with a different functionality.
But without access to the libraries , i dont even need to start coding.
yes , as i mentioned i am new , and this project may be a bit insane for my current knowledge. But I want to try to learn with something i wrote myself - probably the best way to learn it, instead of coding hello worlds (although they may be useful in certain circumstances)
Hope you can help me.
I'd really appreciate it.Ebiko
@Ebiko said in how to use (pulseaudio) system-libraries in a new QT Program:
i have no clue on how to load this libraries
Usually you do not load them (though this is also possible). Instead you link your application against these libraries.
And you should read on this topic in general. -
Yeah , i have found this wizard already -
In this wizard i selected "Load System Library" and the hit browse , for the linux library , went to the lib folder where its supposed to be.
I searched the* (which definitely is in this folder , since i can find it with my usual file browser) but i could not find it in this folder , it just wasnt beeing shown.Exempt from "ls -la /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/"
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 31 Aug 13 12:53 -> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 18576 Aug 13 12:53 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 24 Aug 13 12:53 -> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 22760 Aug 13 12:53 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 18 Aug 13 12:53 -> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 343240 Aug 13 12:53
@Ebiko Don't know why these libs are not shown. But you can add them manually as shown in the link I posted:
LIBS += -lpulse
seems to be a good start - qt at least doesnt throw an error or warning of some kind - now i need to figure out where to get an .h file from to work with the lib
but thanks for your help - i didnt notice the "manual" way of adding the lib -
@Ebiko said in how to use (pulseaudio) system-libraries in a new QT Program:
where to get an .h file from to work with the lib
Install the pulse-dev package