Error finding /adding a slot - in Qt Designer
As the title saiz .
This has been a problem in past (2012) and the attached link does not really provide solution.This is a first attempt to work with signal / slot AFTER I reinstalled my Qt Creator .
Since I am adding a slot in "device.cpp" I do not get why the error is reporting missing header from so any places.I assume it is missing from some common place , but I do not get from where.
Could use some help.
Did you nuke the build folder ?
Delete the .pro.user file ? -
Did you nuke the build folder ?
Not sure what you are asking. I can fully rebuild / compile and run everything, including all "events" in "device" object.
I have several dialogs under tab and they all complain about same things.
It has to be something common.Delete the .pro.user file ?
No.I have build a simple main window and added button and list and it all works as expected.
I really cannot figure out what header is missing and why only when I try to add "connect" in Qt Designer.
I will add another test tab dialog and see if I can identify the missing #inlcude header.l
@AnneRanch said in Error finding /adding a slot - in Qr Designer:
Not sure what you are asking
Delete the build folder. If you don't know where it is you can check in QtCreator: Projects/General/Build Directory
Here is something which may lead to solution.
I have never had a need to look into "projects" form.
I copy - using "files" to keep track of my development - poor man version control.Noticed that the "tab" and "build directory" do not match.
Not sure what to do about error which is going to be "overwritten" ??
Also - I do not know wnat "shadow build" does.
I went to my early version of the project and experienced same issue - missing still unknown header.
Thanks for all your help, appreciate that very much
@AnneRanch said in Error finding /adding a slot - in Qr Designer:
Not sure what to do about error which is going to be "overwritten" ??
Nothing. Next time you build the content of that folder will be overwritten. This is just a warning telling you that there is already something in that folder.
"Also - I do not know wnat "shadow build" does" - is explained in the documentation:
I am back with same issue - this time only one error.
To get rid of the original post error I have totally abandoned my original project and started over.
This time I included only one class from the original code (btscanner) and as expected got the error back.
( I'll admit I am still not sure about anything "ui" in QtCreator )I really do not understand how to find / identify the missing reference to "ui::DeviceDiscovery" so I can add appropriate header into my code.
Here is a refresher , just a text of the error.
The class containing "Ui::DeviceDiscovery" could not be found in
Please verify the #include-directives. -
My FORMS in .pro seem to work , no problem.I basically have two dialogs - MainWindow and Bluetooth scanner.
I can "go to slot ..." and add a slot in MainWIndow and do "connect" , but I get this error doing same in Bluetooth scanner.
I did check both headers and see no obvious difference.
I am doing both "slot" assignment in QtDesigner , but since it fails for Bluetooth dialog I cannot continue in QtDesigner and do the connect there.I have two options
do the Bluetooth "connect" manually, which I am still not comfortable with, or
just rebuild the "device class " - an original scanner dialog - and hope it will work.Many thanks for your help.
Which slot are you trying to connect ?
Advice: get yourself comfortable with doing things in code code. That's a very good long term investment.