QRect and wrong rectangle coordinates
General and Desktop
Currently using QT 5.15 and reading Qrect, I just want to make sure of one thing:
QRect a(0,100,50,-50);
yields (for topLeft, topRight, bottomRight, bottomLeft):
QPoint(0,100) QPoint(49,100) QPoint(49,49) QPoint(0,49)
Which is correct (don't care about the -1)
But if I do
QRect a(0,100,50,50);
it yields
QPoint(0,100) QPoint(49,100) QPoint(49,149) QPoint(0,149)
Which is not logical since the topLeft is below the bottomLeft !
So to be correct in all cases (rotation included), should I enforce the minus ? Or will another surprise arise?Thanks
What are you talking about?
QPoint(0,149) is below QPoint(0,100) because the GUI coordinate system looks like this:
(picture is from: https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/coordsys.html) -