How to change searching path to MariaDB's C Connector "plugin" folder?
Hello everyone! (sorry for my (probably) bad English)
I have an isssue after compilation of qmysql driver (Qt 5.14.2; MinGW 7.3.0, 32-bit; Qt Creator 4.11.2; MariaDB C Connector 3.1.7, Win32). The compilation was succesfully and I've got 3 files: qsqlmysql.dll, qsqlmysql.dll.debug and libqsqlmysql.a. I placed those files into compiler's plugins (sqldrivers) and created a project to test it. After building and launching the following code#include <QCoreApplication> #include <QDebug> #include <QtSql> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QCoreApplication a(argc, argv); QSqlDatabase db(QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QMYSQL")); db.setUserName("root"); db.setPassword("somepassword"); db.setDatabaseName("mydb"); ? qDebug() << db.tables(): qDebug() << db.lastError(); return a.exec(); }
I got the following debug: "QSqlError("1045", "QMYSQ: Unable to connect", "Plugin caching_sha2_password could not be loaded: Specified module not found. Library path is 'C:/Program Files (x86)/mariadb-connector-c/lib/mariadb/plugin/caching_sha2_password.dll'")
Yes, there are no "mariadb-connector-c" folder in "C:/Program Files (x86)" directory. I created requested directory and placed there "plugin" folder with all MariaBD's connector plugins. After this all works correctly. But is there are a way to change the searching directory?
The ways I tried to solve this problem is below. Probably some of those ways looks discouragingly but I tried all ways which I've been ever able to use:
- Added LIBS += "path-to-mariadb/plugin/caching_sha2_password.dll". Nothing has changed, the same error;
- Placed the MariaDB's "plugin" folder near the builded .exe file. Nothing has changed, the same error;
- Created QT_PLUGIN_PATH environment variable and placed the path to the MariaBD's plugin folder. Nothing has changed, the same error;
- Used QCoreApplication::addLibraryPath() and QCoreApplication::setLibraryPaths() functions right after creating an QCoreApplication object. No effect, the same error;
- Added QMAKE_LIBDIR += "path-to-mariadb/plugin". No effect, the same error;
- Copied "qt.conf" file from mingw73_32's "bin" folder into the folder with builded .exe file. Added Plugins=path_to_plugin_folder. After fail, tried to replace "Plugins" to "Libraries". And failed again :) The same error.
- Tried to use QLibrary class. The same error.
@Zerkg said in How to change searching path to MariaDB's C Connector "plugin" folder?:
So where is this shared lib? It must be in the same dir as qsqlmysql.dll otherwise the library can not be loaded.
@Christian-Ehrlicher Hello!
The shared lib's path is C:\Qt\MySQL\lib\plugin.
If I understood you correctly, I must copy caching_sha2_password.dll into compiler's sqldrivers folder, right? I Just tried to copy it but I still have the same error.
The library caching_sha2_password.dll is loading correctly if place it to debug's specified path (C:/Program Files (x86)/mariadb-connector-c/lib/mariadb/plugin/caching_sha2_password.dll'). I can't understand why Qt looking for this library using specified path and how to change it. -
@kshegunov Hi there and thanks for trying to help me!
I checked my PATH variable. There are no "C:/Program Files (x86)/mariadb-connector-c/..." directories. I also tried to add paths to MySQL, lib and plugin foldes. My current PATH variable looks like
but I still get the same error.I forgot to add in my topic that in Qt's SQL Database Drivers there are the following text:
The configure script cannot detect the necessary libraries and include files if they are not in the standard paths, so it may be necessary to specify these paths using the *_INCDIR=, *_LIBDIR=, or *_PREFIX= command-line options. For example, if your MySQL files are installed in /usr/local/mysql (or in C:/Program Files/MySQL/MySQL Connector C 6.1 on Windows), then pass the following parameter to configure: MYSQL_PREFIX=/usr/local/mysql (or MYSQL_PREFIX="C:/Program Files/MySQL/MySQL Connector C 6.1" for Windows).
I tried to use it and this is what I got:
But still, nothing has changed. Maybe I did something wrong? Or using configure utility is only revelant when you build the driver?
@Zerkg Please follow the documentation - there is nowhere a statement that you should run configure...
@Christian-Ehrlicher said in How to change searching path to MariaDB's C Connector "plugin" folder?:
Please follow the documentation - there is nowhere a statement that you should run configure...
I understand but I'm new in Qt and I don't have enough knowledge and experience so I checking every way that can potentially help me to solve the problem... Inconclusively :)
Probably I made a mistake during qmysql driver's compilation because I used this way to do it (but I used MariaDB C Connector instead of MySQL C Connector). The documentation describe another way but when I tried to follow it I got a "No rule for target sub-mysql. Stop.". Now I trying to build qmysql driver using MySQL C Connector 6.1.11... This is the last of my ideas how to fix this problem.