qt examples doesnt start after deployment with windeployqt.exe
Hi everybody, i am new to Qt development., Just recently installed the latest version of Qt 5.14.2 + VS2019 Pro (Windows 10) . I can run the examples inside the Qt Creator without any problem, but cant deploy the examples using windeployqt.exe... I did everything like in this video instruction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnpPosTbttM&list=PLQMs5svASiXNx0UX7tVTncos4j0j9rRa4&index=3
but after deployment procedure .exe just doesnt start (no errors and no GUI is shown up) . I tried diiferent examples (dashboard, quickGamepad, automotive and so on.. behavior is the same cant start exe outside of Qt Creator)
Help me please to find a solution...
You are using Qt Quick, you need to use the --qmldir and point it to the folder containing your application qml files.
Hi and welcome to devnet,
What exact example are you testing ?
Qt 32 or 64 bit ? -
Try to run the .exe from command line (cmd.exe) and see if you get any warnings or errors printed.
@SGaist said in qt examples doesnt start after deployment with windeployqt.exe:
Hi and welcome to devnet,
What exact example are you testing ?
Qt 32 or 64 bit ?Thank you for reply !!!
- I am testing this example: C:\Qt\Qt5.14.2\Examples\Qt-5.14.2\quickcontrols2\imagine\automotive
- Qt 64 bit
- Also tried 32 bit, the same problem just no errors no windows outside the Qt Creator
How did you call windeployqt exactly ?
@SGaist said in qt examples doesnt start after deployment with windeployqt.exe:
How did you call windeployqt exactly ?
- Copied automotive.exe (release) to new folder called "Deploy"
- Run the Qt command prompt "Qt 5.14.2 (MSVC 2017 64-bit)"
- Here is my console output:
Setting up environment for Qt usage... Remember to call vcvarsall.bat to complete environment setup! C:\Qt\Qt5.14.2\5.14.2\msvc2017_64>cd C:\Qt\Qt5.14.2\Examples\Qt-5.14.2\quickcontrols2\imagine\Deploy C:\Qt\Qt5.14.2\Examples\Qt-5.14.2\quickcontrols2\imagine\Deploy>windeployqt automotive.exe C:\Qt\Qt5.14.2\Examples\Qt-5.14.2\quickcontrols2\imagine\Deploy\automotive.exe 64 bit, release executable [QML] Adding Qt5Svg Qt5Widgets for qsvgicon.dll Direct dependencies: Qt5Core Qt5Gui Qt5Qml All dependencies : Qt5Core Qt5Gui Qt5Network Qt5Qml To be deployed : Qt5Core Qt5Gui Qt5Network Qt5Qml Qt5Svg Qt5Widgets Warning: Cannot find Visual Studio installation directory, VCINSTALLDIR is not set. Updating Qt5Core.dll. Updating Qt5Gui.dll. Updating Qt5Network.dll. Updating Qt5Qml.dll. Updating Qt5Svg.dll. Updating Qt5Widgets.dll. Updating libGLESv2.dll. Updating libEGL.dll. Updating D3Dcompiler_47.dll. Updating opengl32sw.dll. Creating directory C:/Qt/Qt5.14.2/Examples/Qt-5.14.2/quickcontrols2/imagine/Deploy/bearer. Updating qgenericbearer.dll. Creating directory C:/Qt/Qt5.14.2/Examples/Qt-5.14.2/quickcontrols2/imagine/Deploy/iconengines. Updating qsvgicon.dll. Creating directory C:/Qt/Qt5.14.2/Examples/Qt-5.14.2/quickcontrols2/imagine/Deploy/imageformats. Updating qgif.dll. Updating qicns.dll. Updating qico.dll. Updating qjpeg.dll. Updating qsvg.dll. Updating qtga.dll. Updating qtiff.dll. Updating qwbmp.dll. Updating qwebp.dll. Creating directory C:/Qt/Qt5.14.2/Examples/Qt-5.14.2/quickcontrols2/imagine/Deploy/platforms. Updating qwindows.dll. Creating directory C:/Qt/Qt5.14.2/Examples/Qt-5.14.2/quickcontrols2/imagine/Deploy/styles. Updating qwindowsvistastyle.dll. Creating C:\Qt\Qt5.14.2\Examples\Qt-5.14.2\quickcontrols2\imagine\Deploy\translations... Creating qt_ar.qm... Creating qt_bg.qm... Creating qt_ca.qm... Creating qt_cs.qm... Creating qt_da.qm... Creating qt_de.qm... Creating qt_en.qm... Creating qt_es.qm... Creating qt_fi.qm... Creating qt_fr.qm... Creating qt_gd.qm... Creating qt_he.qm... Creating qt_hu.qm... Creating qt_it.qm... Creating qt_ja.qm... Creating qt_ko.qm... Creating qt_lv.qm... Creating qt_pl.qm... Creating qt_ru.qm... Creating qt_sk.qm... Creating qt_uk.qm... Creating qt_zh_TW.qm... C:\Qt\Qt5.14.2\Examples\Qt-5.14.2\quickcontrols2\imagine\Deploy>
You are using Qt Quick, you need to use the --qmldir and point it to the folder containing your application qml files.