Can't qmake QtWebengine - "qtwebenginecore-config.pri: No such file or directory"
I built qt whit this configuration:configure -v -release -opengl es2 -device linux-rasp-pi3-g++ -device-option CROSS_COMPILE=/home/doxa/raspi/gcc-linaro-6.3.1-2017.02-x86_64_arm-linux-gnueabihf/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf- -opensource -confirm-license -sysroot /home/doxa/raspi/sysroot -make libs -nomake tests -nomake tools -nomake examples -skip qt3d -skip qtgamepad -skip qtlocation -skip qtsensors -skip qtwayland -skip qtdeclarative -prefix /usr/local/doxas_5.12.4 -extprefix /usr/local/doxas_5.12.4 -hostprefix /usr/local/doxas_5.12.4 -qpa xcb -no-use-gold-linker
Everything done well but, QtWebengine didn't configure.
Now I want to build and install this module(I did with Qt 5.7), but qmake returns an error:doxa@K43SD:/media/doxa/MCBK/rpi_build/websss$ /media/doxa/MCBK/rpi_build/qtbase/bin/qmake /usr/local/Qt5.12.4/5.12.4/Src/qtwebengine/ Info: creating cache file /media/doxa/MCBK/rpi_build/websss/.qmake.cache Cannot read /media/doxa/MCBK/rpi_build/websss/src/core/qtwebenginecore-config.pri: No such file or directory Project ERROR: Could not find feature webengine-v8-snapshot-support. doxa@K43SD:/media/doxa/MCBK/rpi_build/websss$
the *-config.pri is not available in the source of any module and it has to build during the module build process. I don't know how to generate this file. which tools of Qt should I use?
Qt: 5.12.4
Host: Ubuntu 18.04_x64Thanks in advance
QtWebEngine is a module that is more complicated to build than the other.
One thing you can do is to try building it "standalone". Since you have the rest of Qt built, you can try to build this one by hand.
Use an out of source build.
mkdir build_qtwebengine cd buid_qtwebengine /path/to/your/cross_compiled_Qt/bin/qmake /path/to/qtwebengine
The configuration tests for the module will be run again and you should see what is missing or failing.
This usually means that the configuration step did not find all the required dependencies. Check the configuration log to see what was missing.
I've checked the log, but didn't find any "failed" lib or module related to qtwebengine in the config.log file.Thank you for attention, but I've never had problem like this during crosscompile. :(
QtWebEngine is a module that is more complicated to build than the other.
One thing you can do is to try building it "standalone". Since you have the rest of Qt built, you can try to build this one by hand.
Use an out of source build.
mkdir build_qtwebengine cd buid_qtwebengine /path/to/your/cross_compiled_Qt/bin/qmake /path/to/qtwebengine
The configuration tests for the module will be run again and you should see what is missing or failing.
The problem solved, by using out of source qmake(where it was installed).Thank you very much
Great !
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